Lightweight Portable Security ou LPS-Public é uma distribuição em Live-CD GNU/Linux, desenvolvido pelo Departamento de Defesa dos Estados Unidos, [1] para trabalhar em um PC ou Macintosh (plataforma Intel) [2] [3] [4] sem o risco de expor credenciais e outros dados privados à ação de malwares, keyloggers e outros riscos cibernéticos. Pode ser gravado em um CD-R ou em um Pen Drive.

lightweight portable security free download - SourceForge lightweight portable security free download. Tor Browser Tor Browser enables you to use Tor on Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux without needing to install any sof > Lightweight Portable Security > Linux Portable Security Lightweight Portable Security (LPS) is a Linux-based live CD with a goal of allowing users to work on a computer without the risk of exposing their credentials and private data to malware, key loggers and other Internet-era ills. 14 Best Portable Linux Distro to Boot and Run from USB

Apr 16, 2014

GoGhost - High Performance, Lightweight, Portable Open GoGhost - High Performance, Lightweight, Portable Open Source Tool For Mass SMBGhost Scan Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:30 AM Rating: 5 Tags GoGhost X golang X Linux X Nmap X Open Source X Vulnerable X Windows

Absolute Linux. A featherweight distro designed for desktop use. Easy to configure. Highly …

GoGhost - High Performance, Lightweight, Portable Open Source Tool For Mass SMBGhost Scan Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:30 AM Rating: 5 Tags GoGhost X golang X Linux X Nmap X Open Source X Vulnerable X Windows The US Air Force Wants to Keep You Secure with Lightweight