iptables规则持久化,启动配置 保存配置文件 sudo sh -c "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules" 使用该命令可以保存当前系统的iptables规则到特定文件。可以直接使用iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules命令字串,但为了避免可能触发的重定向的权限问题,这里使用了-c选项,将这条字串变成一个整体的命令来执行。

iptables 中继(中转/端口转发) 便捷管理脚本 | VJsun 2020-6-18 · 添加 iptables 端口转发 后,会提示你依次输入 欲转发IP、欲转发端口、本地监听端口、本地IP、转发类型: 请输入 iptables 欲转发至的 远程端口 [1-65535] (支持端口段 如 2333-6666, 被转发服务 … How Do I Save Iptables Rules or Settings? - nixCraft 2011-8-22 · To restore iptables rules use the iptables-restore command. It is used to restore an IP Tables from data specified from file. Use I/O redirection provided by your shell to read from a file. Examples: Saving and Restoring Iptables Rules. In this example, save current iptables firewall rules to a file called /root/dsl.fw, enter:

iptables-apply will try to apply a new rulesfile (as output by iptables-save, read by iptables-restore) or run a command to configure iptables and then prompt the user whether the changes are okay. If the new iptables rules cut th

Hello, I need some help! I have created some custom iptables rules on my Centos 6.4 64 bits server, at the end I have save the rules with "service iptables save" Good day First i'd like to say that i'm a completely noob at this Linux universe, so forgive me if this questions seems really stupid I installed Debian at a laptop to be a torrent box + DLNA server, i had a Raspberry Pi doing this but I reached a high number of seeding and I had to upgrade it, anyway everything was running fine when I decided to mess with iptables, now I can't start any 4) enable firewall in webmin but don't apply configuration. this step will create /etc/iptables.up.rules 5) edit firewall parameters- add your rules (or delete any webmin created you don't want) in webmin interface as normal. make sure you get port 22 open. 6) now apply configuration in webmin and test. Sep 23, 2017 · # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5). # The loopback network interface auto lo eth0 eth0:0 eth0:1 eth0:2 eth0:3 eth0:4 eth0.56 iface lo inet loopback #Managment Network iface eth0 inet static address netmask broadcast network gateway 192.168

The new entry used the new verbage as well when I checked the iptables.up.rules file. So it appears that the translation of the older rules perhaps are creating the problem. It could have converted the old entry when I installed 1.93 and that would have resolved the issue as well.

ubuntu开机自动加载iptables配置 | 学步园 2012-8-13 · iptables配置完成后,如果不做设置,机器重启动后,规则会丢失 该日志由 marly 于8年前发表在综合分类下,最后更新于 2012年08月13日. 转载请注明: ubuntu开机自动加载iptables配置 | 学步园 +复 …