Shields UP! -- Port Probe

Aug 19, 2008 Shields UP! -- Port Probe GRC Internet Security Detection System. If you have used ShieldsUP! in the past, you may have just noticed that the Port Probe system is much faster than ever before. This is the result of the emerging deployment of our much-anticipated NanoProbe Technology.It is finally becoming real. Shields Up Port Scanning for Security - TelecomWorld 101 Gibson Research's Shields Up - is a free online security scanning tool that tests your network externally from the Internet side. It allows you to see what is open to your network through your firewall. When you go to the Gibson Research Shields Up website your are presented with the first page which is a standard disclaimer and information. It will also provide you with the machine name that Test Computer Security with Shields Up

Gibson Research Corporation is involved in computer security. Their web site offers both a diagnostic remote testing service against your machine, and cogent explanatory information. If the above Shields Up! test revealed that your port 139 is open to the world, you may wish to do something about it.

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