HTTP 403 error connecting to website - Microsoft Community

Nov 01, 2007 Suddenly can't get onto Craigslist webite! Anyone else Feb 19, 2009 The website declined to show this webpage HTTP 403 the problem may be in your application pool settings. open up the IIS manager on the server, and the open the properties for your virtual server. 网站拒绝显示此网页 HTTP 403 最可能的原因是:•此网站要求您登 … 网站拒绝显示此网页 HTTP 403 最可能的原因是:•此网站要求您登录。 此错误(HTTP 403 禁止)意味着 Internet Explorer 可以连接到该网站,但是没有查看该网页的权限。 原因是在Apacheconfhttpd.conf中设置网站目录权限时复制了根目录的权限,如下: Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None …

Solved: 'Website declined to show this webpage' | Tech

Suddenly can't get onto Craigslist webite! Anyone else Feb 19, 2009

Jul 09, 2014

Accessing Citrix XenApp 6.5 over Web Interface 4.6 through Citrix NetScaler VPX 9.3 configured as an Access Gateway throws the error: "The website declined to show this webpage" and "HTTP 403" Problem HTTP 403 Forbidden, The Website declined to show the webpage (when using the URL format https://:8443/dpssp/) Technical Articles ID: KB83090 Last Modified: 2/6/2020 Environment Re: 403 - The website declined to show this webpage. Jul 08, 2014 05:41 AM | Pengzhen Song - MSFT | LINK In Nintex Workflow 2013 when I try and configure some actions sometimes I get a information page that states "The website delcined to show this webpage". Under more information it goes on to say that the erro is HTTP 403 Forbidden. (15 replies) My website is at c:\users\lamartin\my website I have configured Apache to include, but not be limited to, the following Directives: ***** ServerRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2" ServerName localhost:80 Listen 80 DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs" UserDir Enabled lamartin UserDir "My Website" AllowOverride None