Solved: ERR - bphdb exit status = 1: the requested operati

Solved: ERR - bphdb exit status = 1: the requested operati Hello, I need some assistance, some are showing up transactionlog status (1) everyday at the same time as print below: Master node cluster: Linux Red Hat 5.5 - NBU: Media Server: Linux Red Hat 5.5 - NBU: Client: SQL 2012 Enterprise - S.O: Win Server 2012 R2 Standard NBU: 7.6.0 Robocopy Exit Codes - Windows CMD - ROBOCOPY Exit Codes. The return code from Robocopy is a bitmap, defined as follows: Hex Decimal Meaning if set 0×00 0 No errors occurred, and no copying was done. The source and destination directory trees are completely synchronized. 0×01 1 One or more … [Solved] "sub process usr bin dpkg returned an error code Aug 24, 2018 pip install scipy==0.18.1 ERROR: Command errored out with

Exit status - Wikipedia

Jul 23, 2019 C++ _Exit() - C++ Standard Library Neither any object destructors nor the functions registered by atexit or at_quick_exit are called. Whether open resources such as files are closed is implementation defined. If the exit_code is 0 or EXIT_SUCCESS, a successful termination status is returned to the host environment.. If exit_code is EXIT_FAILURE, an unsuccessful termination status is returned to the host environment. Troubleshooting App Deployment and Health | Cloud Foundry Docs

Solved: SQL backup exits status 1 - all child streams succ

The exit() function causes normal process termination and the value of status & 0377 is returned to the parent (see wait(2)).. All functions registered with atexit(3) and on_exit(3) are called, in the reverse order of their registration. (It is possible for one of these functions to use atexit(3) or on_exit(3) to register an additional function to be executed during exit processing; the new Solved: SQL backup exits status 1 - all child streams succ The purpose of an exit status 1 under these circumstances is to alert the administrator that there was a potential issue with the overall backup, even though the end result was success. The administrator may choose to ignore the exit status 1, if the cause of the retry … [SOLVED] [Help] pkg-config: exit status 1