Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan - Wikipedia

Tajikistan bans YouTube after embarrassing video posted of Jun 06, 2013 Tajikistan - Home | Amnesty International Tajikistan. 13 July 2020 Exposed, silenced, attacked: failures to protect health and essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic Research Tajikistan. 22 April 2020 Tajikistan: Further information: Independent journalist imprisoned for a year: Daler Sharipov Research Tajikistan blocks YouTube, BBC, Russian websites after Internet access to several Russian news outlets, YouTube, the BBC and local news portals has been cut off in Tajikistan by order of the authorities. The blackout comes after severe clashes between the army and guerrillas in the city of Khorog.

Aug 27, 2018

EU support coronavirus Tajikistan | Anti Corruption Digest

Tajikistan blocks YouTube, BBC, Russian websites after

Jul 23, 2020 Tajikistan – Wikipedia tiếng Việt Cộng hòa Tajikistan (phiên âm tiếng Việt: Ta-gi-ki-xtan; tiếng Tajik: Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон) là một quốc gia ở vùng Trung Á.Tajikistan giáp với Afghanistan về phía nam, Uzbekistan về phía tây, Kyrgyzstan về phía bắc, và Trung Quốc về phía đông. Trước khi Liên Xô tan rã, Tajikistan …