Installing DD-WRT on your router is the first and riskiest step. I have to warn you that installing DD-WRT will void your warranty, and you could also "brick" it, a.k.a. make it into a sexy paperweight. Luckily you can also buy a router with DD-WRT preinstalled on Amazon if you don't fancy taking the risk.

2009-4-1 GitHub - TobseTobse/DD-WRT_NordVPN: Connect multiple DD-WRT NordVPN scripts Synopsis. The purpose of this project is to enable a router liberated by DD-WRT to connect to the service NordVPN.All the clients in the network attached to the router will be able to use NordVPN via one login. dd wrt - openvpn tunnel is slower for select IP addresses

How To Supercharge Your Router With DD-WRT

DD-WRT_百度百科 DD-WRT是一个基于Linux的无线路由软件,基于GPLV2发布。 起源于2003年, DD-WRT提供了许多一般路由器的软体所没有的功能,例如支持XLink Kai游戏协议, 基于守护进程的服务, IPv6, 无线分散式系统(无线网桥和无线中继), RADIUS, 先进服务质量控制,无线输出功率控制, 超频能力,以及SD卡 … DNSMasq Local Network - DD-WRT Wiki 2018-3-18 · 2) Once it is hooked and DD-WRT wants to restart dnsmasq the script is executed instead, and adds some lines to the generated /etc/hosts afterwards it executes the real dnsmasq. Finally it reinstalls the wrapper. You have to place the script somewhere and put it in to list of commands executed at bootup. Then adjust the variables at the setup


DD-WRT NordVPN scripts Synopsis. The purpose of this project is to enable a router liberated by DD-WRT to connect to the service NordVPN.All the clients in the network attached to the router will be able to use NordVPN via one login.