Notoriously, Australia has no constitutional safeguards for freedom of speech, although the government added a provision to protect whistleblowers in 2018. However, Australia remains labeled as the most secretive democracy, as media groups state press freedoms continue to be restricted. Government Censorship on the Rise

According to Electronic Frontiers Australia in at least one documented case, the hosting was merely shifted to a server in the United States, and the DNS records updated so that consumers may never have noticed the change. It has been vocal on the issue of Internet censorship in Australia. Censorship in Australia (Censored EP103) - YouTube Aug 11, 2019 Censorship in Australia | Publish your master's thesis

Censorship in Australia - The Case of Lady Chatterley's

CENSORSHIP in Australia (from an American perspective Oct 24, 2008

Feb 25, 2019

Australia's censorship system went further than the British system it was modelled on. In England, Lord Chief Justice Alexander Cockburn ruled in 1868 that the legal test for obscenity was whether Australia is a federation, and responsibility for censorship is divided between the states and the federal government. Censorship of video games and Internet sites hosted in Australia are considered to be the strictest in the western world. Censorship During Wartime. Strict censorship was imposed in Australia at the start of World War II. The Menzies Government formed the Department of Information (DOI) to control publicity. It was believed censorship was necessary to prevent valuable information falling into enemy hands and to maintain high morale at home. D.H. Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover has courted controversy ever since it was first published in Paris in 1928. Banned from the outset in Australia, its ultimate release proved to be a seminal moment in the country’s secretive censorship regime.